Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Take My Cheque To The Bank

Concerts, CrossFit, and Consumption Overload - my main three Cs of 2018. Whether it was a small purchase of gum to an extravagant gift, it's all in this report... So how much money did I spend in the year? Well, let's take a trip down financial expenses memory lane...

Does saving $1,530 equal to the amount that I spent in a year?

There were significant changes that I saw in 2018, mostly on the spending habits for myself. I joined a gym, started cooking for myself, and splurged on my friends (I cannot resist that bubble tea at times, it's one of my weaknesses!) I am certain there were more than 600 purchases I made this year (sometimes, I would forget about online purchases, it can be a bit difficult to track.) Nonetheless, here is the monthly break down on what I spent those past 365 days:
  • January (45): $1,184.09
  • February (29): $807.66
  • March (34): $1,244.46
  • April (52): $$1,261.23
  • May (45): $1,005.14
  • June (46): $1,006.12
  • July (56): $1,811.18
  • August (56): $2,103.42
  • September (57): $1,860.80
  • October (60): $1,621.54
  • November (56): $1,489.10
  • December (61): $2,038.42
With 597 recorded purchases, I spent significantly more per month than other years - I'm actually astonished. With the exception of February, I spent at least $1,000 per month, with August and December being my biggest months to spend (blame summertime and the holidays). What's the outcome of 2018's spendings:

Total: $17,433.16

My face when I pressed that equal sign on the calculator

I basically doubled the amount I spent compared to last year! Although it makes sense, there were some purchases that were not needed - but as long as I can pay my credit cards, then it's all good. Now, let's take a dive into my spending habits:

Distances: $3,094.82
  • Gas (25 times): $1,440.04
  • Travel (64 times): $1,654.78
Not too much of an increase compared to 2017, especially when the gas prices kept fluctuating throughout the year. Travel expenses went up, mostly due to frequent parking in the downtown area (if we could only have free parking in the area!) But oddly enough, gas fill-ups were not as much... got to love public transit! Out of all the events, the only one I can recall would be November 16th, when it would be the last time filled up my old car (good memories in that vehicle).

There's a glitch in the system

Remnants of an old ruin. 2010-2018.

Foods: $5,981.70
  • Starbucks (7 reloads): $125.00
  • Breakfast (6 times): $99.03
  • Lunch (82 times): $1,406.19
  • Dinner (65 times): $1,773.65
  • Snack (80 times): $599.91
  • Dessert (28 times): $439.02
  • Alcohol (5 times): $149.09
  • Groceries (51 times): $1,389.81
At this point, I've given up on maintaining a budget for food - it's the best way to catch up with family and friends, but also the most expensive expense. Every category went up, but the biggest increase went to lunch. I also drank more alcohol this year, which can be told by the photo below. I spent roughly $1,000 more on groceries, as I started cooking my own meals for work, and I am okay with that. I mean, I cook the same meals, so it would bound to add up! But I probably could lay down on the snacks, if I need to cut costs anywhere.

From fancy meals

to the home-cooked meals

And the wildly delicious rum drinks in between!

Fun Activities: $3,502.21
  • Entertainment (16 times): $322.95
  • Activity (31 times): $3,179.26
Perhaps this category needs to be named differently, but my activities went from nothing to all over the place! Aside from my main exercise, CrossFit, I also tried the following classes:
  • Aerial Arts
  • Barre
  • Belly Dancing
  • Dance
  • Kickboxing
  • Personal Training
  • Pilates
  • Spin Cycle
  • Swimming
  • Twerking
  • Yoga
Much as those classes were enjoyable, some were pricier than others. Depending on what your body goals are, each exercise has their own benefits. Pilates was a great stretch, while Barre tests your ability to make small movements, repeated several times. CrossFit, I found to be an excellent overall exercise, especially when you don't know what to do in a work out.

Entertainment usually pertained to movies and concerts, as well as the occasional theatre show. I'm sure that I forgot to mention high-ticket priced concerts such as Beyoncé & Jay-Z and Taylor Swift - probably add another $600 to entertainment. If anything, I got moving throughout 2018!

Hanging from a hula-hoop, never thought I would do that

Learning a hand-stand push-up, didn't think that was going to happen

Big Reputation, and a whole lot of fun

That one time the camera managed to get my abs (and they looked decent)

I went to a football game, which was quite thrilling

Presents: $2,734.72
  • General (48 times): $1,106.74
  • Gifts (31 times): $1,421.98
  • Lottery (41 times): $206.00
I added a new category this year: Lottery! I basically played the Lottery every week, with some exceptions of my mother/auntie purchasing my tickets. My purchases from Lottery didn't go much up (one price that never changes!) My general purchases actually went down, which actually surprised me - I don't know where I cut costs, but I enjoy the outcome.

As for presents, I splurged a lot on my people! I believe that people deserve nice things, especially the ones that matter to you. Some times, I just go overboard. Not that you need to spoil your family and friends, but it's the sentiment that shows how much you appreciate them. Perhaps I need to be less of a social butterfly, but we'll have to see what happens for 2019.

This was money well spend

Outer Appearance: $2,119.71
  • Hair (1 time): $8.89
  • Clothes (16 times): $2,110.82
The year showcased how much I spent on myself, and it was a significant increase. Becoming more confident with my body, I may have gone overboard with the purchases, but I consider them to be my 'investment' pieces. I am sure that I bought more shampoo than one time, which most likely got paired with my 'General' purchases at super-centre stores. I also know that I got one haircut this year, but that was for a trim; I'm trying to grow my hair for donation purposes. While looks may be temporary, you might as well enjoy trying new ones and see what works for you!

From a one-piece jumpsuit... something more, niche

Well, it seems like my only New Year's Resolution for 2018 went downhill very quickly. Perhaps I didn't expect to see such drastic changes in my spending habits, but I had to fill the void that's otherwise known as 'free time.' It's amazing what you can do when school is no longer the priority, and see where your money goes.

Much as I value time spent with family and friends, it's also important have time for yourself. I'm not just saying that as a way to save money, but some times, you need to reflect and see where life is taking you. Although I would love to spend my money everywhere I go and give flashy presents, I still want to evolve as a person. Having to find a job after being laid off from another was no fun, wondering how I will be paying the bills. I hope for this year, I will move up, career wise, and invest my money into different stocks... I'll work on my financial terms.

So far, I have spent about $1,500 this year - on what you may ask? I also wonder... But to be honest, I'm trying new things, spending time with people I like, and figuring out where my money will go. I said that I wanted to find my own place for 2018, but now, I've become more interested in travelling. We will have to see what prosperity and expenses come my way.

To 2019, may you bring me adventures that are worth my time and my money.

Time to pull my act together

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