Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Product Reviews: Uncle Tetsu

When you need to take a bite into what everyone's dishing on - or, if you have a lot of time. After passing by this shop countless times, I decided to get in line and see what the fuss is all about. Was this cheesecake worth waiting?

Time to see if it was worth the hype

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Things I Don't Get: Shut Up & Swallow

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow people will criticize what you put in your mouth. Why can't we all eat in peace and harmony? Who knew that food can get political...

Seems like the only way to fight with pettiness, is with more pettiness #sigh

Monday, March 5, 2018

Things I Don't Get: Girl On Girl Action

Today's world is ever-changing, and it's incredible how far society has come. However, one thing still remains: the so-called 'cat fight.' A term to reference women feuding each other, it seems that this realm of gossip has no plan of going away. So I ask to myself, why?

Use to be one of my favourite songs... I don't know why anymore

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Big Money Money

Throughout 2017, I wanted to see what would the outcome be if I played the same set of numbers for the weekly lottery. What I found out was that I made a few winnings, some bigger than others. 52 weeks, that is $260 spent, is it worth the investment? Let's see how lucky I got.

Can you imagine?

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I Make Money Move

2017 was a great year! I had wonderful experiences, as well as many food photos that will never be seen again d": But let's focus on the annual 'budget' post, the one that analyzes how much I like to waste my money... consider my spendings as 'well-wasted.'

When your savings don't even compare to your spendings...