Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is that a weed?!

I originally planted the following: Onions, Cilantro, Zucchini, Snow Peas, Pac Choi, Lettuce.

What has happened? Read on, and see for yourself!
I don't have an opening picture, mainly because the results are all mixed everywhere.

Let's begin with the bad news: unfortunately, not all plants survived. I was excited when I saw that Pac Choi and even Lettuce had some sprouts coming out; however, three weeks later, they were turning yellow. I did my best to keep them alive, but nothing happened :"C This also occurred with the Cilantro, and although I keep watering the herb, nothing is coming out :"C Oh well, there is always next year I suppose...

Now, the onions: they were growing, and it looked like grass! I did get a photo of this, and it looked like so:

Just like grass!

And then the sad news came when my dad one day said that I wasn't maintaining my garden. So what does he do? He pulls out the weeds - including my poor onions! I was sad when that happened, but what can you do? That's the result if there are no labels for your vegetables... Again, waiting for 365 days to come...

Now, for the good news: my snow peas are just wonderful! At first, they were cute and green, then a bit yellow as the weeks passed by... Now, they are simply magnificent:

Oh my, they're growing on the vines! Score!

I took out a few of them, since they're the most successful plants I have grown this summer! And now they keep growing! Here are a few more photos:

The first pair that grew! They're delicious too!

Hooray for climbing!

The beginning of something fantastic!

Ah! Peas!

I'm very pleased with these plants; hope they last to grow for next summer too - if I know how to protect them in the winter, that is...
Let's keep moving, now with zucchini! I absolutely can't wait for the day when these babies are in full bloom. Here is how they started at first:

Just so happy that it survived!

And if that wasn't enough, here is what they look like recently:

Just wow! Nice and big!

Hey! Flowering into some yummy plants!

So that's my garden, so far that is! I like that the snow peas are in full bloom, and the zucchini is on its way to make some fabulous vegetables. What else will be growing? Who knows, stay tuned for more veggie tales d":

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